Game Overview

──A serious battle over fully on-chain NFTs.Something no one in the world has ever experienced.The excitement of taking NFTs from others’ wallets.The thrill of having your NFTs at risk of being taken.

Winning will make you cry with joy. Losing will make you cry tears.

A revolutionary “Play and Earn” game that will shake your heart from Japan.

Launched on the Ethereum Mainnet, “Isekai Battle” will reinvent the game experience to something “real”──

“Isekai Battle” is a PVP blockchain game in which players battle each other for NFTs (Fragments) to complete a series.

The prototype of fully on-chain games utilizing NFTs, which will be a norm in the future, is realized on the Ethereum blockchain with the best technology available today, taking us into a new era of blockchain games.

*Isekai Battle has migrated to Ethereum L2 Chain Optimism on Jun. 28, 2024 due to the rising gas fees.


Hundreds of years have passed since the war of the gods ended. The people of Turkenista were beginning to return to their peaceful lives.

This is Halnearth in the far east of Turkenista.

A torn book is found in a shrine said to be an ancient ruin.

The Book of Rein, Chapter of Truth, Verse 14.

This was the name given to the pages which contained a map of what seems to be Halnearth and words that no one could read.

- When the seven Fragments come together The lost power of the gods will be revived and unleashed -

The one to decipher the words was from another world.



Fragments of SINKI that can be found through Explorations =NFT. There are 7 in each region. (Cannot be sold/bought/transferred)


Godly relics that can be claimed by collecting 7 Fragments. They are special items that release SINN (ERC20).


The energy within the SINKI. In-game tokens.

*Check the details in each section.

How to start the game.

1) Hire Characters at Gina’s bar https://mint.isekai-battle.xyz/

You need at least 3 Characters to play the game. *The initial sale is finished, and now yYou can also purchase them from secondary markets such as OpenSea, etc. *Gina’s bar has been closed on the Optimism chain.

We have a new collection due to migrating to Optimism.

New Collection Page (Optimism) https://opensea.io/ja/collection/isekai-battle-optimism

Old Collection Page (Ethereum) https://opensea.io/collection/isekai-battle *Do not purchase NFTs from this collection.

2) Jump into Halnearth! https://app.isekai-battle.xyz/


Players can hire multiple characters.

Character names

001 Ash 002 Sala 003 Elfie   004 Mito

005 Carabinero 006 Aria 007 Swen 008 Eat

009 Luna 010 Duke 011 Sakuya 012 Kieffer

013 Mia 014 Zack 015 Padma 016 Noel

017 Irina 018 Eliza 019 Denis 020 Kocho

021 Ralph 022 Nova 023Hal

Character traits

Each character has a favorite Weapon “Sword, Two Hands, Fists, Bow, Staff” and Armor “HeavyArmor, LightArmor, Robe”. By matching their favorite equipment, the Weapons and Armor that are equipped to the troops led by the Character will get a stat boost during Battles.

cf.Battle - Unit power

Character stats

ATK: Every 1 point increases the bonus rate of their favorite weapon by 0.5%.

DEF: Every 1 point increases the bonus rate of their favorite armor by 0.5%.

LUK: Every 1 point increases the chances of finding “Seeds” through Exploration.

Weapon/Armor stats

Lv1 stats have an expected value of 10 for attack/defense power(the value will be randomly chosen between 5 - 15)

Lv2 stats have an expected value of 25 for attack/defense power (the value will be randomly chosen between 17 - 33)

Lv3 stats have an expected value of 50 for attack/defense power (the value will be randomly chosen between 40 - 60)

*The random value range, etc., is subject to change.

The definition of Character ID and generation (GEN)

GEN0 : ID 1 - 5500

GEN0.5: Character ID above 5501 with 0 as the last digit.

GEN1 : Character ID above 5501 with 1-9 as the last digit.

*ID 1 - 150 will be managed by the operation team for distribution purposes in events.

Special bonuses depending on generation (GEN)

GEN0 : The cost to fuse and use Seeds is reduced by 10%.

GEN0.5 : The cost to fuse and use Seeds is reduced by 5%.

*The reduction for using Seeds only applies to that Character, and the reduction for fusing Seeds will be applied by owning 1 character. (The reduction will not pile up and the maximum is 10%)The reduction rate is subject to change.


Select a region on the world map to go on an Exploration. You can find Weapons/Armor/Seeds/Fragments(after implemented), and you will need to claim them at the end of your Exploration. The more Characters you have going on an Exploration, the higher your chances are to find each item, and higher level Weapons/Armor. (Weapons/Armor/Seeds will not be taken by other players)


They are items needed for the Battles for NFTs. The Weapons will be automatically equipped to all troops led by the Characters set in the Attack Unit and the Armor to the troops led by the Characters in the Defence Unit. For example, if there are 100 troops in the unit, 100 Weapons/Armor will be equipped automatically with priority to the Character’s favorite equipment and higher level. The total of each stat will be the Unit’s “attack/defence power”. Also, when the Weapons/Armor match the Character’s favorite equipment, there will be a bonus stat boost. Weapons and Armor will break at a certain rate after battles, so once in a while, you will need to find more by going on Explorations.

cf.Battle - Unit power

*You can only hold 200 pieces of Weapons/Armor. We are considering a system that would allow you to increase the limit in the future. *When Weapons/Armor are bought/sold/through secondary trade, they will be locked for 48 hours.

We have a new collection due to migrating to Optimism.

New Collection Page (Optimism) Weapons: https://opensea.io/ja/collection/isekai-battle-weapons-optimism Armor: https://opensea.io/ja/collection/isekai-battle-armor-optimism

Old Collection Page (Ethereum) Weapons: https://opensea.io/collection/weapons-isekai-battle Armor: https://opensea.io/collection/armor-isekai-battle *Do not purchase NFTs from this collection.


  • You can find Seeds when you have 3 or more Characters going on an Exploration in the world map.

  • The total LUK of the Characters Exploring the world map determines the rate to find Seeds.

  • There are 3 types of Seeds: “ATK Seed”, “DEF Seed”, and “LUK Seed”.

  • ETH will be consumed to fuse and use Seeds.

  • Each Character can be fed a maximum of 10 Seeds. (when the Characters are given their first SEED, their levels will increase from 1 to 10)

cf.Details - Seed fusion

We have a new collection due to migrating to Optimism. New Collection Page (Optimism) https://opensea.io/ja/collection/isekai-battle-seeds-optimism-1

Old Collection Page (Ethereum) https://opensea.io/collection/seeds-isekai-battle *Do not purchase NFTs from this collection.


  • They will be available through Exploration and Battles after being implemented.

  • Each region has a different series of Fragments (NFT).

  • Each region has 7 Fragments, and each Fragment has a different total supply.

  • Only 1 Fragment (NFT) per Character can be claimed through a single Exploration. Having more Characters going on an Exploration will increase your chances of finding them.

  • There is a limit to how many Fragments you can find from Explorations.


The Battles are PVP battles in which you fight other players for Fragments (NFT). You can take Fragments (NFT) that you don’t own from other players, but you’re Fragments (NFT) are also at risk of being taken by other players. The balance between the Attack Unit and Defence Unit is crucial.

Battle flow - Attack side

  1. Organize the Attack Unit

  2. Select the Fragment you want to target.

  3. Attack a player who has the Fragment you want.

  4. Your attack power and the other player’s defence power are compared in the Battle.

  5. If you win, you take the other player’s Fragment, and if you lose, you get nothing.

Battle flow - Defence side

  1. Organize the Defence Unit

  2. Other players will attack you (Battles can happen when you are not playing the game)

  3. Your defense power and the other player’s attack power are compared in the Battle.

  4. If you win, you defend your Fragment, and if you lose, you lose it.

*Weapons/Armor will be lost in the Battle regardless of whether you win or lose. Weapons/Armor can be restocked by going on Explorations.

*Even if you lose the Battle when you attack another player, you will not lose Fragments (NFT) you own.

Unit power - Overview

The power of the Unit is calculated for each battle based on the number of troops in the Unit, equipment collected through Exploration, and Character traits.

Unit power - Number of troops

The player has 30 troops each in the Attack Unit and Defense Unit, and the Characters each have 10 troops under their command.

e.g. When attacking Player + 3 Characters →30+10*3=60

Unit power - Equipment and Character traits

During the battle, the strongest "Weapon" for attacking and the strongest "Armor" for defending are automatically equipped, based on the combination of equipment acquired in Exploration, in relation to the number of troops in the Unit. The attack and defense power are multiplied by a bonus factor depending on each character's trait (Sword, HeavyArmor, etc.) and the number of Weapons/Armor to which they respond. (If you have 100 Weapons in your Inventory when attacking and the number of troops is 73, 73 Weapons that will make your attack power the highest will be automatically equipped)

Details - Fragment(NFT)

Fragments (NFT) will be available through “Exploration” and “Battles”. Each region has its own series of Fragments (NFT) you can find.

*Fragments are NFTs but cannot be bought, sold, or transferred.

Obtaining through “Exploration”

Check Exploration - Fragment (NFT)

Obtaining through “Battle”

There is a limited supply for each Fragment (NFT), and when all Fragments are found through “Exploration”, you can only get them through “Battles”.

The Battles are PVP battles over Fragments (NFT).

You can get a SINKI (NFT), which releases SINN (ERC20), by completing a series of 7 Fragments (NFT) from a region.

Power up your Characters and organize the best Units to collect Fragments (NFT) and get your hands on SINKI!

Completion and SINKI acquisition

By collecting all 7 Fragments of a region, they begin to resonate. “Break the Seal” to restore the SINKI (NFT) and release SINN (tokens).

Details - SINKI(NFT)

SINKIs can be restored by Breaking the Seal after collecting all 7 Fragments of a region, or purchasing them secondhanded from OpenSea, etc.

SINKIs contain SINN (ERC20), but it is released gradually, so it takes a while to collect all the SINN. (After the SINN is all released, the SINKI becomes empty and you will not be able to get any more SINN)

*SINKIs (NFT) cannot be taken by other players through “Battles”.

Details - SINN(ERC-20)

SINN (ERC20) are in-game tokens that are released gradually from SINKI (NFT) over a period of time.

Details - Seed fusion

The Seeds found through Explorations can be fused into more effective Seeds by using ETH. The more Seeds you fuse, the better their effect becomes, but the cost will also increase.


“ATK Seed” + “ATK Seed” + ETH =“ATK Seed Lv2-3” “ATK Seed” + “ATK Seed” + “ATK Seed” + ETH =“ATK Seed Lv3-5” “ATK Seed”× 4 + ETH = “ATK Seed Lv4-6” … … “ATK Seed”× 8 + ETH= “ATK Seed Lv8-10”

*The specification of fusing is subject to change. *The ETH consumption depends on the GEN of the Character you selected when fusing Seeds. cf. The definition of Character ID and generation (GEN)

Details - Magic Circle NFT

By owning a Magic Circle NFT, the chances of getting a bonus on the Seed fusion result will increase. Having multiple of them will increase the chance even more.

*The actual increase rate will be announced when the Seed fusion is implemented.

The number of Magic Circle NFts and the chance of getting a bonus on the Seed fusion

0 Magic Circle NFTs|No bonus: 70% |+1: 20%|+2: 10% 1 Magic Circle NFT |No bonus: 50% |+1: 30%|+2: 20% 2 Magic Circle NFTs|No bonus: 30% |+1: 40%|+2: 30% 3 Magic Circle NFTs|No bonus: 10% |+1: 50%|+2: 40% 4 Magic Circle NFTs|No bonus: 0% |+1: 50%|+2: 50% *Owning more than 4 Magic Circles will not change the bonus effect.

Changes upon migrating from Ethereum to Optimism

  • Probability of obtaining a Seed per LUK point: +0.1% → +0.125%

  • Maximum number of Weapons/Armor: 120 → 200 *If the total LUK value of the Exploration Unit is 32, the probability will be the same as the Ethereum version.

  • Seed Claim cycle: approx. 7 days (167h) → approx. 3 days (71h)

  • Probability of obtaining a Seed with 5 or more Characters on Exploration: 5% → 1%

  • Expected number of Seeds obtained with 15 Characters on Exploration: 0.75 → 0.15

Token economics

About tokens

We plan to issue two types of tokens: “Utility Tokens (limited issuance)” and “Governance Tokens (limited issuance)”

Utility Tokens (limited issuance): SINN (ERC20) Governance Tokens (limited issuance): name undecided (ERC20)

*The date of issue of the governance tokens is yet to be determined.

*When the governance tokens are issued, the specification of the utility tokens may change.

About SINN (ERC20)

SINN is contained in SINKI (NFTS) and is released gradually over a period of time.

*Gas fees are needed to claim them.

We also have plans to let you earn a small amount of SINN by selling Weapons and Armor.

About the governance tokens

We will make an announcement about governance tokens at a later date.

About the first sales of the Character NFTs

Up to 50% of the first sale will be used to provide token liquidity.

Gameplay of operating members

Including an operation test, the operating members will be playing the game.

We will prevent unfair game-playing based on the following three principles

  1. Prohibit the use of insider information for self-serving gameplay.

  2. Prohibit actions that significantly impede player profits/opportunities

  3. Prohibit actions that damage the trust in the operation

Privacy policy

Please check the following


Isekai Battle Official Website



  • Jun. 06, 2022 ver.1.0

  • Jun. 08, 2023 ver.1.01 Correction of maximum level, typos, and other textual changes.

  • Aug. 09, 2022 ver. 1.02

  • Jun. 09, 2023 ver. 1.1

  • Jul. 01, 2024 ver. 1.2

IB Project Team


A Singapore-based company that supports the global publishing of blockchain games from Japan and the issuance/management of proprietary tokens. Using the knowledge and experience of issuing the My Crypto Heroes governance token MCHC and the utility token RAYS, the company supports the publishing of blockchain games and token issuance/management for game and Dapps operators in Japan.


Otaku Coin Association

Since December 2017, the Otaku Coin Association, including its predecessor, the Otaku Coin Preparatory Committee, has been working for the development of anime culture, aiming to introduce, spread, and utilize blockchain technology within the anime industry in order to spread Japanese anime culture to the world. As part of our activities to spread anime more globally, we have also conducted interviews with anime studios in multiple languages through multiple media outlets. We keep on making steady efforts such as planning and leading a “Future created by the world’s most notable anime studios” in collaboration with global anime news sites, including the anime information site “Anime!Anime”, “Tokyo Otaku Mode” with over 20m Facebook followers, and “Bahamut”, the leading animation news site in Chinese-speaking countries, and conducting interviews with over 15 anime studios that are not often highlighted in the anime production process, including their thoughts on anime production and behind-the-scenes stories about their work.


Tokyo Otaku Mode Co. Ltd.

Tokyo Otaku Mode strives to bring the Japanese “Otaku Culture” of anime, manga, and games to the world. We introduce Japanese pop culture overseas through mediums such as our Facebook page with over 10 million Likes (as of Jul. 2021). We also run an e-commerce service delivering Japanese anime goods overseas, designing original merchandise, delivery agent service to support cross-border e-commerce, translation service, and other services both in and out of Japan.


Last updated